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Testing The Cheapest Smartwatch on Amazon

Testing The Cheapest Smartwatch on Amazon

So you guys know that I’m absolutely obsessed borderline an addiction here with finding the cheapest stuff on Amazon. So in my last video case, you guys missed it. I found these three cheapest tablets on Amazon. They were all like under fifty bucks if you guys missed that video I’ll leave, it link right up there in the iCard yeah. It looks like it’s bugging out. It’S it’s for sure, bugging out Wow. Alright, I look like I’m in the Blue Man Group. Basically, together, we found out, which was the best tablet to buy so in this video. 

We’Re gon na be checking out three different smartwatches, all under 15 bucks, and these are the cheapest smartwatches that I could find on Amazon and we’re pretty much gon na see together, which is the best bang for the buck so similar to the tablets. Video. What I’m gon na do is I’m gon na go through each of these smartwatches and pretty much see which of the best tests these same features and just kind of explore which each watch has like this $ 15. One you’d think has more features than the $ 7 one or the $ 11 one, and I got ta get this out of the way because you guys can probably tell these are the exact same watch. But we got bamboozled on Amazon.

I happen to just buy the same watch at two different prices, so, let’s check out the $ 7 one first and drop a like in this video. If you guys want me to continue the series, let me know in the comments with what you guys want me to check out next. Is that laptops? Is it what we did tablets did smartwatches? Is it pho and seriously? Let me know down below, but up first is this seven dollar SmartWatch and I feel like I can talk a little bit more on smartwatches I’ve checked a bunch out in the past, like that. Thirty one dollar, one that I’ll leave right up there in the iCard. 

This watch right here clings. It can make calls send text messages, play games, listen to some music since I’ve been using the Apple watch Series three for about like two months now. I feel pretty well-versed with smartwatches again. Let’S turn this on and see what’s good, so it charges up with a microUSB port. The good news is, I don’t have to talk about this with the green one cuz, it’s the exact same watch. You got a microUSB port on the side to charge it speaker right there and I’m guessing that’s a microphone. The strap is it feels super cheap. I mean no, no, no, it does it. Does it’s a seven dollar watch. This is as cheap as it gets. Let me just tell you that, hopefully it doesn’t cause a rash. I don’t think you’re gon na encounter one, but let’s turn this on. We got some capacitive buttons umm screen every time your watch turns on you’re gon na have a nice little jingle in your ear. So we have our capacitive buttons on screen. The display is pretty bright, definitely a lot brighter than I was anticipating wait. What is that yo quiero?

No no way is that the Taco Bell logo that blue one right there. It looks like the Taco Bell logo. Let’S see what kind of apps we got, we got Power, Save ringtone, anti lost a pedometer; okay, Bluetooth, dialer messages, camera all right. So let’s go ahead and connect this. So basically, I’m gon na go ahead and jump on my iPhone. Now all these watches are rated just to work with Android devices we’re gon na see. If the first one works with my iPhone eight plus here three hours, late L, I wasn’t able to get it to Peretz to my iPhone, but we got it going on the SI edge here. It looks good. 

The touchscreen so far has been pretty solid. I guess I got ta put the watch on not bad something you’d find out a wish for sure you could get like a good deal on. This might have a series coming up for you guys on some wish stuff real soon yeah it doesn’t. It doesn’t feel super bad, so the Bluetooth camera is surprisingly working. You can see the viewfinder there so to take this photo since I don’t have a third hand, not that I know of at least we’re gon na just man just like that. We just took a photo on the watch. You had to download the Bluetooth notice app, not bad. 

Let’s try to make a call, see what’s good here and give myself a call here. She should bring my iPhone and just like that yo. How long is the speaker tell me how good you can hear me? I’M gon na go out in the hall it’s kind of spotty with its Bluetooth connection, there’s no SIM card in here, but for seven bucks. Now this experience looks very familiar to the 24 hour. One inch phone challenge check that video out right up in the iCard. Basically, I can only use the one inch phone for 24 hours.

It’s surprisingly, a lot more functional than I was anticipating like apps. Look good not a bad start, so we just checked out the $ 7 SmartWatch and, as you guys can tell they’re pretty much the same thing. The green one, however, though, comes in a few different colors. This is 11 bucks. So, let’s just turn this on and see what’s different if anything’s actually different, I love it. Your watch doesn’t do that. 

Your Rolex doesn’t do that yeah, this $ 11 one is pretty much the exact same thing as the white one. Here it’s nicely that comes in a few different colors you’re, really like there’s not that much of a difference between these two. So let’s check out the big bad boy, the $ 15 SmartWatch that isn’t the same as the other two. This one looks cool. It’S called the s6 edge. 

Do they have a regular version like the galaxy s6 and s6 edge? There’S two phones there can I get the regular one like I’m kind of interested, supports, andr and iOS. That’S nice! I’M gon na pair this up with my iPhone there. We go. Did we break it nope we didn’t break that’s good, to hear what no way you’re kidding me. That’S a camera on the side of a SmartWatch. 

I can’t wait to check that out. Nice leather band, so you’re getting some quality for your extra bucks. Micro SD card slot solid and if you want to go off the grid, there is a SIM card slot.

I’m gonna throw my sim in there and see if it works. No, that’s that’s not real leather that is pleather at $ 15. You can be expecting real leather. Let’s turn this on see. What’s good, I’m feeling good about this phone. That’s a better wow that booted up very fast.

This is a really solid watch for 15 bucks, I’m in love already, and I haven’t even set it up in my iphone. Let’s do that now, so the s6 edge is all paired up to my iPhone and it looks like a knockoff Apple watch.

It’s reading the SIM card, it says t-mobile, let’s try to make the call touch screens really nice easy to use for the most part. Unless you have fat fingers, I don’t want to be rude. I got ta answer it. Even the speaker on this watch is loud. I’m gon na go back out the whole time. You hang that up. Don’T want to hear that kid anymore, wow, I’m actually blown away call quality sounds good.

Let’s see what other settings you got what’s possible. I forgot I forgot through with the camera on this watch. I don’t know if you guys can see the viewfinder there. I’M gon na try to get some color and we’re gon na take a picture of my iPhone and see how good it looks. You got to be careful not to get your your wrist in the shot that I could see being an actual problem with having a SmartWatch camera. We took a picture on our SmartWatch and there’s actually a camera on here. It’s like deja vu. 

I have seen this before that’s what deja vu means. Let’S try another one, something a little more color in here see how the Reds look line. My wrist up hang on there we go look. You can definitely tell that says supreme, not a bad option. If you need a quick camera like Inspector Gadget, you’re solid, so after we’ve seen all three of these watches, which is the most work, they definitely build up in the iCard. If you guys made it to this point in the video. I want to know what you guys have to say: I’m gon na have to give it to the fifteen dollar SmartWatch. The touch screen on here is amazing.

There’s a camera. It feels like the most watch worthy out of all of these as I’m dropping it. I’M blown away. This thing has features for days, so that’s gon na do it for this video make sure you guys get subscribed with notifications on if you’re new – and you know in the comments,

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